
Flower Arrangers

We have a very small dedicated team of flower arrangers but they would welcome more people to join the team in order to spread the load. We ask that arrangers purchase the flowers but they are refunded by the church.


There is always something that needs to be done and where possible we try to do it ourselves. Please make yourself known if you would be willing to assist in completing odd jobs in the church.

Readers and Intercessors

Read a lesson or lead the community prayers during the service. We are always on the look out for people to help in these ministries.


Become a member of the church welcome team. Welcoming and assisting members and guests at services and events. Hand out books and notice sheets and take collection  during a Communion service. We see this as a vital ministry and we encourage more people to join.


Fellowship is an integral part of our services. We serve refreshments after each Sunday morning service. Can you help?