
The annual budget for the Holy Spirit is in the order of £50,000 and regular fundraising is required to ensure we pay our way.  You can help in the following ways:

Regular Giving

If you think of the Holy Spirit as your home church, you may want to give regularly towards the work we do here. Please do pray about it and if you are able to commit to giving each week then please see our Treasurer – they will be able to help you decide how best to give, be it through our weekly envelope scheme, via a standing order, or using the Parish Giving Scheme. This sort of commitment helps us to budget what we have in advance, and to know when we might need to plan additional fundraising events.

Gift Aid

If you pay tax then please consider Gift Aiding your monetary gifts.  The Government adds 25p extra in the pound to all money that is Gift Aided at no extra cost to you.

Easy Fundraising

Many companies give “cash back” to a cause of your choice when you shop online with them via the Easy Fundraising Scheme.  As a registered cause with them, you simply need to sign up with Easy Fundraising, choose to support the Holy Spirit and start shopping. You do not pay any extra for your goods but we benefit from donations from the companies that you shop with online. As an added bonus “cash back” can also be Gift Aided if you are a tax payer.  To register to support our cause go to the The Easy Fundraising Holy Spirit Home Page.